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"Gheorghe Mihăilescu"
Douglas‑fr (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) in Europe: an overview of management practices (2023-03)
V. Nicolescu, W. Mas, J. Bastien, T. Vor, K. Petkova, V. Podrázský, M. Đodan, S. Perić, N. La Porta, R. Brus, S. Andrašev, M. Slavik, J. Modranský, M. Pastor, K. Rédei, B. Cvjetković, A. Sivacioglu, V. Lavnyy, C. Buzatu‑Goanță, G. Mihăilescu, Douglas‑fr (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) in Europe: an overview of management practices, JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH, pp. 1 - 18, Mar, 2023